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Rubble Trench Foundations
Was used by famous American Architect Frank Lloyd Wright in the design of low-cost earthquake proof foundations, such as the Imperial hotel in Tokyo that survived the devastating earthquake of 1923.
Is commonly used for railway track construction as well as for the foundations of building cranes.
Gravel and Recycled brick / rubble is sourced from dumpsites, cleaned and sorted to use in rubble trench foundations.
Is a use of local “free” material.
Can contribute to environmental clean-ups, as building rubble is often dumped illegally.
Helps to reduce landfill at municipal waste sites.
Helps in creating addition work on site.
This construction method eliminates min 75% of concrete typically used in foundation design. Note that:
Concrete production is harmful to the environment and is said to be responsible for between 5 -8% of greenhouse gases.
Concrete is a costly material.
Technical information:
The rubble trench is filled with smaller rubble/gravel around a filtering drain pipe at the bottom of the foundation, followed with larger fist sized pieces packed firmly ready to form the base of the wall.
Is suitable for a wide variety of soils including clay soils, but its use would still be subject to the specific design and on-site conditions.
Once one has sourced and cleaned the rubble, it is a very fast way to construct one’s foundations.
Trenches are typically lined in a geo-fabric filter cloth to protect the trench from filling up with any fine material.
Gravel is also suitable for use and is well tamped into place.
A concrete ground beam is finally cast to cap the top of the foundations. The beam can be cast to finish around 50mm below the finished ground level.
Company Track record/examples of work:
House Rissik. Prince Albert, Karoo, 2023-24
House Mendel, Hout Bay, Cape Town, 2021
Staff houses, Stanford Valley Farm, Western Cape, 2008
Upgrade of Nieuwoudtville Caravan Park, Namaqualand, 2004-2007, which won Silver 2005 in the Holcim Awards for Sustainable Construction in the Africa Middle East region
House Perry 2007 - in Masipumalele informal settlement, Cape Town